Qeer's Recycled Water-Based Polyurethane: A Sustainable Breakthrough

Qeer's Recycled Water-Based Polyurethane: A Sustainable Breakthrough

At Qeer, we understand the growing concern for environmental impact, especially when it comes to materials like polyurethane (PU). If you're seeking a more eco-friendly alternative to traditional PU or even recycled PU, our latest innovation, recycled water-based PU, might be the solution you've been looking for.

Eco-Friendly Advancements

Our recycled water-based PU represents a significant leap towards sustainability. In comparison to conventional PU materials, including recycled PU that still relies on oil-based components, our development involves a remarkable 95% reduction in water usage during production. Additionally, we pride ourselves on achieving nearly zero chemical usage right from the initial stages. The backing fabrics are crafted from recycled polyester, further enhancing the overall environmental profile of our recycled water-based PU.

The Cleanest PU Composition

Our commitment to sustainability culminates in what we proudly assert as the cleanest PU composition in our materials selection. Since 2018,  our manufacturing processes have shifted our polyurethanes to water-borne and solvent-free formulations, ensuring a reduced environmental footprint without compromising on performance.

Water-Borne Polyurethanes: A Safe and Green Choice

Our water-borne polyurethanes go beyond being just environmentally conscious – they are safer for people to work with. Unlike traditional PU production processes, water-borne polyurethanes are less energy and water-intensive. Moreover, they are manufactured without solvents, eliminating pollution concerns during production. The synthetic agent in water-borne polyurethanes is water itself, resulting in emissions of water vapours rather than harmful organic compounds. Our water-based PU is devoid of organic solvents, non-DMFA, non-APEO, organotin compounds, and is phthalate-free, ensuring a product that aligns with the highest safety and environmental standards.

Quantifying the Difference

When comparing the production processes of water-based PU and traditional PU, the advantages become clear. Our water-based PU significantly reduces water consumption, making it a more sustainable choice. The elimination of chemical usage in large quantities further sets it apart as an environmentally responsible option, contributing to a cleaner and greener manufacturing process.

At Qeer, we are dedicated to offering not just a product but a solution that transcends environmental expectations. Our recycled water-based PU stands testament to our commitment to creating materials that are both innovative and sustainable, meeting the demands of a conscious and forward-thinking market.

For further details on how Qeer's recycled water-based PU can transform your materials landscape, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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